












至正十八年的某个时候,一场由蕲黄地区贼寇引起的动乱波及到龙泉县,当地的一些民众因饥饿而加入到这些盗贼当中。chapter 13 of the book "The History of the Ming Dynasty" describes how a group of villagers, led by Wang Yiren and including Song Lian, Ye Chun, and Hu Shi, defeated the bandits in a battle at Qingyuan. The bandits were led by a man named Liang Shouwen.

After the victory, Zhu Yuanzhang appointed Wang Yiren as the governor of Qingyuan County. However, Wang was soon replaced by another official named Zhang Shijie. In 1357 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang launched an attack on Wuchang City and captured it after a fierce battle. This victory further solidified his position as the leader of China's resistance against Mongol rule.

In 1360 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang established his capital in Nanjing (then known as Jinling) and founded what would later become known as the Ming dynasty. He took on several titles such as Emperor Hongwu () or Emperor Taizu (), which means "Great Warrior" or "First Ancestor," respectively.

During this period, many scholars came to serve under him due to their admiration for his leadership skills and military prowess. One such scholar was Yang Weizhen (), who served under Zhu during his early years in Nanjing before becoming one of his top advisors later on.

It is worth noting that while chapter 13 does not mention anything about Chapter's personal life beyond mentioning that he lived during this time period when Zhu Yuanzhang rose to power., there are some historical records suggesting that he might have had some involvement with politics during those years but no specific details can be found related to him personally serving under any particular emperor or government official other than being part