绾臂金:何以致拳拳?绾臂双金环。此乃我國女性從遠古便開始穿戴耳飾打扮自己的習俗早期文字記載可見《山海經》裡描述青宜山中的神仙穿耳掛珠,《三國志》裡諸葛恪提及穿耳贯珠即顯示了這種裝飾品早已存在並且被珍視。但由李笠翁所著《闲情偶记 生容》的文章來看,這些裝飾品能夠伴隨一個生命全程,是非常重要的事物之一,而這種感情與儀式背後藏著深層次的人類關係與文化傳承。
钗: 何以慰别离? 耳后玳瑁钗. 钗是一种珠翡与银合制成花朵或其他造型并装饰发髻用的金属针片,它们通过固定发髻并展示个人的身份和社会阶层,而玳瑁则是指一种甲类动物皮革材质,这里的玳瑁钗则可能意味着某种特殊的手工艺制作方式或者材料选择,从而显得更加精致与昂贵。
earrings: What is it for? A pair of clear pearls in the ears. In ancient times, women often wore various ornaments to decorate themselves. The earliest records can be found in "Shan Hai Jing" where it is mentioned that the goddess of a mountain called Yinyi had her hair adorned with a pearl. The "Three Kingdoms" also mentions that women's hair was adorned with pearls during ceremonies.
earrings: How do you keep your love alive? With an ear decoration made of gold and jade. This type of jewelry has been popular since ancient times and has been passed down through generations, becoming a symbol of beauty and elegance.
In this article, we have discussed 13 traditional Chinese gifts that were used to express love and affection between couples or friends during different historical periods.
These gifts include same-heart locks, red beans, combs, handkerchiefs, incense bags, jade pendants, armlets made from gold or silver rings (called "armlet"), earrings made from jade or other precious materials (called "jade earrings"), pearl necklaces (or necklaces), silk fans (fans), brooches (ornaments attached to clothing), perfume bottles filled with fragrances like jasmine or rose oil.
Each gift represents something unique about Chinese culture such as their history.
For example the lock represents loyalty while the red bean represents deep feelings for someone.
This list provides us an insight into how people expressed their emotions in past centuries using these objects as tokens of love.
It also highlights how they could convey messages without speaking directly by using symbols which represented deeper meanings.
Overall these gifts are not only beautiful but they carry significant cultural values as well making them valuable objects to study for anyone interested in learning more about China's rich history.
The information provided here comes from various sources including books written by historians who studied ancient Chinese literature and art works created by artists who lived during those times.
By understanding these symbols one can gain insights into what life was like back then especially when it came to matters related to romance
They serve as reminders that even though time goes on human beings remain connected through our shared experiences
and our ability to create meaningful connections between each other
This article serves as an introduction into understanding some key elements of Chinese culture related specifically around romantic gestures but there are many more aspects worth exploring if one wishes further learn about this fascinating subject matter