

我创造了人类之后,许多年平静无事。人类自由自在地在大地上劳动、生活。 不料有一年,天地发生了可怕的变化,一场灾难陡然降临人间。支撑着天的东、西、南、北四边的天柱毁坏了,造成天崩地裂。天,露出了一个一个的大窟窿,不能再覆盖大地;大地九州--冀州、兖州、青州、徐州、扬州、荆州、豫州、梁州、大雍等地的地面断裂,塌陷成一道一道的深壑鸿沟。 洪水从地心中喷射出来,江河湖海掀起滚滚巨浪,冲向大地。洪水巨浪吞没了无数房屋和人畜。森林里也燃起熊熊大火,大火不断蔓延,烧毁一切生物。 毒蛇猛兽也纷纷跑出来伤害人类。我看着我所创造的人类遭受如此巨大的苦难,我痛心极了。我决心补天修地,止水灭火,把人类从濒临死亡的绝境中拯救出来。

I stood on the central land, surveying the desolate scene around me, pondering how to undertake this monumental and arduous task. I collected countless colorful stones from mountains and rivers, piling them together, utilizing the forest's burning fire to melt these stones into a stone paste. Then I held the scorching hot paste in my hands, leaping high into the air to fill up each hole in the sky with it. Filling these holes with colorful stone paste made the sky more beautiful than ever before.

Next, I feared that even after filling up all holes in heaven above would still collapse again; therefore I killed a large tortoise and cut off its four legs as pillars of heaven for support at every corner of heaven's four sides. From then on, Heaven sat stably on those sturdy pillars without any further collapse or disaster.

After fixing Heaven above me once more for human safety and well-being below me also needed protection against evil beasts and birds which were eating people mercilessly now! So you see we must keep our children safe from such dangers too since they are so vulnerable! Now let us go make some protective shields for them by using only their own bodies but not weapons because violence is never an answer!

Let’s take action right away! We will start by building shelters where families can live safely while we work towards stopping all harm coming towards our children through peaceful means like education about nature conservation or teaching them martial arts instead of using force against others just remember love always wins over hate no matter what happens!