


不仅仅在我们国家,西方也是如此,脑后小小的突起似乎在哪儿都不受欢迎。在巴尔扎克的小说《高老头》中,“反骨”也成为了西方人知人鉴世的标尺,小说中有“犹大的反骨”之说。鉴于此,许多后脑勺长有突起的人便心生担忧:自己是不是真的不忠诚?以后找工作或是升迁,“反骨”会不会成为阻碍?另外,我们在人际交往中,是不是不能信任brain not flat?公司任人的时候,可以放心地重用long-boned folks吗?

其实所有people have "refusal to conform" in them, it's just the occipital bone. Generally, people's occipital bones are pretty flat, from the surface there's nothing special about them. However, some people have a particularly prominent occipital bone, which is quite noticeable from the side - these individuals are said to possess a "refusal to conform." This notion that one's posterior skull shape can determine their loyalty or rebellious nature is simply unscientific.

Ancient Chinese fortune tellers and diviners used various methods of divination based on physical characteristics such as facial features and body shape. They believed that certain physical traits could reveal information about an individual's personality and future destiny. The concept of "refusal to conform" was thought to be linked with certain cranial structures that were deemed indicative of rebellious tendencies.

However, this belief has been debunked by modern science. Research has shown that there is no correlation between cranial structure and personality traits like loyalty or rebellion. People with prominent occipital bones may simply have a different anatomy than others.

For instance, Ludwig van Beethoven and Charles Darwin both had unusually shaped skulls - they possessed a more pronounced occiput compared to most people - but they were far from being disloyal or rebellious figures in society. In fact, they made significant contributions to humanity through their work in music and biology respectively.

Similarly, Marshal Peng Dehuai of China had an unusual skull shape too but he was known for his unwavering dedication towards his country during its tumultuous times under Mao Zedong's rule.

It is important for us today not take ancient superstitions at face value when evaluating individuals based on their physical appearance or any other superficial criteria. Every person has unique qualities worth recognizing regardless of how their head looks from behind!