



又询问多人,或是自称不知,或是云里雾里一通乱解,更有穿凿附会者说:“三是吉利数字,三只羊凑在一起,团结一心可开山辟路。”于是利用各种渠道查阅,方知“三羊开泰”之正解:“ 三陽開泰”。最早出自中国古代傳統文化典籍《易經》,大概意思是指“冬去春來之意”。

《漢語成語詞典》解釋:“《易經》以十一個月為復卦,一陽生於下;十二個月為臨卦,二陽生於下;正月為太卦, 三陽生於下。指冬去春來, 陰消陽長,是吉利的象徵。後作新年開始的祝頌語。”


總結來說,“Three Sheep Open Auspiciousnesses” is a traditional Chinese idiom that symbolizes the arrival of spring after winter and the end of bad luck. It has its roots in ancient Chinese culture and philosophy, specifically in the book "I Ching". The idiom refers to the transition from cold weather to warm weather, as well as from darkness to light. In this context, it is a positive message for people to look forward to better times ahead.

In addition to its literal meaning, "Three Sheep Open Auspiciousnesses" also carries symbolic significance. According to Chinese folklore, sheep are considered auspicious animals because they represent abundance and prosperity. Therefore, when three sheep are mentioned together in an auspicious context like New Year's greetings or celebrations of special occasions such as weddings or business openings), they can be seen as a metaphor for good fortune coming into one's life.

So while some may interpret "Three Sheep Open Auspiciousnesses" literally by associating it with real-life experiences involving sheep (such as farmers herding their flocks towards higher pastures during springtime), others may see it more figuratively through the lens of traditional Chinese symbolism where sheep embody happiness and success.

It should be noted that while there may not be an absolute definitive answer on how best to interpret this phrase - especially given its widespread use across various contexts without any consistent explanation - understanding what lies beneath these words can help us appreciate their cultural richness further by appreciating both historical origins alongside contemporary interpretations which have evolved over time through generations' shared experiences.