



然而,彼得并没有因此而消极,他深受西欧文化影响,同时也热爱军事游戏。他建立了两个童子军团,以便更好地进行训练。当他和伙伴们年龄增长时,这些童子军变成了训练有素的武装力量。这引起了索菲亚的大Fear and Concerns,最终在1689年的叛乱中,她试图杀害彼得夺取皇位。但是,彼得率领着他的童子军迅速击败叛乱,并正式掌握了政权。


1698年,Peter the Great返回家国,为国家现代化和西方化实施了一系列大规模改革。他鼓励西方技术人员进驻,并派遣年轻人才去东欧学习。在他的统治期间,大城镇扩展,小资产阶级增多其影响力。在他领导下,一支可观海军建立起来,将整个部队改编成按照西方式标准配备服装、火器并进行训练。此外,还推行了一项革新,即提升公务员基于工作表现而非世袭地位。

在社会问题上,Peter also advocated for Westernization. He issued decrees banning beards (though he later modified this decree), requiring courtiers to wear Western attire, encouraging smoking and drinking coffee. Though his policies were met with strong opposition at the time, they had long-lasting effects: this country ruled by nobility eventually adopted many aspects of Western customs and culture.

Moreover, Peter believed that the Orthodox Church was a force of backwardness. He successfully reformed parts of it and gained significant control over it. Under his rule, non-religious schools were founded to encourage scientific development; European calendars were introduced; Russian script was modernized; even Russia's first newspaper was established.

Apart from these domestic reforms, Peter also reformed foreign policy which would have significant implications for the future. Under his leadership, Russia fought against both Turkey in the south and Sweden in the north. The war with Turkey initially ended in victory when St Petersburg captured Azov in 1696, opening up a route to the Black Sea. However, towards the end of his reign, Turkish forces prevailed again as he returned Azov to them in 1711. Later still came conflict with Sweden that resulted in gaining Baltic ports - thus propelling Russia into Europe's top tier powers.

Before long after those victories on battlefields Peter was hailed as "the Great" by an imperial council who formally renamed their realm "The Russian Empire". Not long afterward Peter founded a new city on both banks of Neva River - Saint Petersburg - using land won from Sweden during those wars but moved capital back to Moscow just one year later.

Since then Saint Petersburg became Europe's main gateway for Russians while Moscow remained its political center until today.