


不仅仅在我们国家,西方也是如此,脑后小小的突起似乎在哪儿都不受欢迎。在巴尔扎克的小说《高老头》中,“反骨”也成为了西方人知人鉴世的标尺,小说中有“犹大的反骨”之说。鉴于此,许多后brain勺长have突起的人便heart生担忧:自己是不是真的not loyal?以后找work或is升迁,“refractoriness”会不会成为obstacle?另外,我们在person交往中,是不是不能trust brain not plain people?Company hiring的时候,可以put trust inlong have “refractoriness”的people?

其实所有people all have “refractoriness”,it just isphysiological aspect of the skull. Generally, people's skull bones are relatively flat, from the surface there is no particular feature. However, some people's skull bones are particularly prominent, from the side it is very obvious. These people are considered to be long have "refractoriness". Therefore, so-called "refractoriness" is nothing more than a slightly more developed occipital bone. As part of the body, because it has a bit special and connected to spiritual level, obviously not scientific.

Ancient people when reading faces had some experiences and methods about bone structure. Bone structure also has its own reasons like large head means highly developed brain; however bone structure theory is mostly fallacy," refractoriness" being typical representative. We take real-life examples: Beethoven and Darwin had prominent occipital bones as well," refractoriveness", but they were not traitors but faithful to truth.I our country's founding generals such as Peng Dehuai did not have smooth skulls either Mao Zedong even used this to make an argument once but actually he was loyal to his country and its citizens.

Having a noticeable protrusion at the back of one's head only means that one's occipital bone is more developed and has no direct correlation with loyalty or disloyalty degree. In life we should not believe in sayings about "refractoriness", whether someone can be close friends or not depends on many factors other than whether their scalp is flat or not; during interviews or promotions," refractoriveness" does not provide any grounds for obstruction either.The company should use talents without prejudice against those who may have a slightly more pronounced occipital bone among them.

Confidence: 95%